Old News
"The Great Reef Race" - a fantastic review
The very kind Phil & Charlotte at ReadItDaddy Blogspot have given The Great Reef Race a glowing review today, calling it "one of the most impressive indie-published titles we've seen in a very long time."
They went on to describe the artwork of Stuart McGhee as "eye-catching and awesome" and the story itself "a joy to read out loud".
I could go on, but why should I? You can read it for yourself, right... about... here.
They went on to describe the artwork of Stuart McGhee as "eye-catching and awesome" and the story itself "a joy to read out loud".
I could go on, but why should I? You can read it for yourself, right... about... here.
"The Great Reef Race" delayed (slightly)
Regrettably, the launch date given to "Reef Race" of 6th October didn't happen, due to issues within the print and supply chain. A new date will be announced over the coming weeks. As of today, 10th October, we could be looking at a mid-November launch.
Watch this plaice... I mean, space.
Watch this plaice... I mean, space.
"The Great Reef Race" snapped up by publisher
Yes, folks - it's true.
On 20th April 2012 "The Great Reef Race" was accepted for publication as a childrens picture book by Ghostly Publishing of Plymouth, Devon. Local illustrator, Stuart McGhee, has already been contracted to provide the illustrations, and the whole shebang is expected to be on sale by the last quarter of 2012. Watch this space!
Or alternatively, watch this space: www.ghostlypublishing.co.uk
This space: www.facebook.com/ghostlypublishing
Or even this one: www.stuartmcghee.com
On 20th April 2012 "The Great Reef Race" was accepted for publication as a childrens picture book by Ghostly Publishing of Plymouth, Devon. Local illustrator, Stuart McGhee, has already been contracted to provide the illustrations, and the whole shebang is expected to be on sale by the last quarter of 2012. Watch this space!
Or alternatively, watch this space: www.ghostlypublishing.co.uk
This space: www.facebook.com/ghostlypublishing
Or even this one: www.stuartmcghee.com
Face-flapped, Jacket-linked and Booked-In
I've now set up professional profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook and Jacketflap, so I expect a full virtual entourage any time soon...
Kindle E-books now available from Amazon
I have released two novellas (Sisters Three and Adam Runs) and one short story (Phobic) in Kindle E-book format, available to download from Amazon (for a miniscule fee). Visit my Kindle Store page for the direct links.
ABC Tales - more cherries
I am proud to share that both Xander the Panda and The Magic Custard Factory have been 'cherry-picked' by the esteemed editors at ABCTales.com - thanks chaps.
Visit the links below to read both:
I am proud to share that both Xander the Panda and The Magic Custard Factory have been 'cherry-picked' by the esteemed editors at ABCTales.com - thanks chaps.
Visit the links below to read both:
Not so current news
British Prime Minister buys 'Frog' for son.

Prior to his successful election, David Cameron, the leader of the Conservative party, buys a copy of 'Frog on the Log' for his son as he campaigns for support on April 26, 2010 in Romsey, England.